Αρχική σελίδα » Πατέντες-Δημοσιεύσεις-Ερευνητικά Πεδία


Από τις ερευνητικές διπλωματικές εργασίες των μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών του ΠΜΣ «Κατάλυση - Πράσινη Χημεία και Εφαρμογές τους στη Βιομηχανία» κατοχυρώθηκαν έως τώρα ορισμένα από τα αποτελέσματά τους στις κάτωθι πατέντες και έχουν γίνει οι ακόλουθες δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές:




1) G. Papadogianakis, A. Bouriazos, K. Mouratidis, N. Psaroudakis, “Process for the partial hydrogenation of fatty acid esters” EP 1 918 358 B1 (11.10.2006), US 8 263 794 Β2 (11.09.2012), ES 2 391 466 T3 (27.11.2012), WO 2008/043454 A1 (02.10.2007), CA 2 672 680 A1 (17.04.2008) and US 2010/0022664 A1 (28.01.2010) to Cognis IP Management GmbH (σήμερα: BASF AG)(δικαιώματα πατέντας: 50%) and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (δικαιώματα πατέντας: 50%). (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en EP &FT=D& date=20121127&CC=ES&NR=2391466T3&KC=T3# )

 2) G. Papadogianakis, A. Bouriazos, A. Tsichla, C. Vasiliou, “Process for the Manufacture of Saturated Fatty Acid Esters” US 8 334 396 B2 (18.12.2012), EP 2 014 752 A1 (23.06.2007), WO 2009/000435 A1 (14.06.2008), US 2010/0234625 A1 (16.09.2010) to Cognis IP Management GmbH (δικαιώματα πατέντας: 50%) and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (δικαιώματα πατέντας: 50%). (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?II=2&ND=3&adjacent= true&locale=en EP&FT=D& date=20100916&CC=US&NR=2010234625A1&KC=A1#)

3) C. Vangelis, S. Sotiriou, A. Yokaris, A. Bouriazos, G. Papadogianakis, “Process for the manufacture of saturated mono- or polycyclic compounds” EP 2 179 980 A1 (23.10.2008) to Cognis IP Management GmbH (50%) and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (50%). (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT= D&date=20100428&CC=EP&NR=2179980A1&KC=A1# )

 4) G. Papadogianakis, A. Bouriazos,   “Process for the homogeneous hydrogenation of (poly)unsaturated hydrocarbons” EP 2 426 191 A1 (02.08.2010), WO 2012/016849 A1 (09.02.2012) to Cognis IP Management GmbH (50%) and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (50%). (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT= D&date=20120209&CC=WO&NR=2012016849A1&KC=A1#)



1) A. Bouriazos, K. Mouratidis, N. Psaroudakis, G. Papadogianakis “Catalytic conversions in aqueous media. Part2. A novel and highly efficient biphasic hydrogenation of renewable methyl esters of linseed and sunflower oils to high quality biodiesel employing Rh/TPPTS complexes” Catal. Lett. 121 (2008) 158-164.

2) N. Nikolaou, C.E. Papadopoulos, A. Lazaridou, A. Koutsoumba, A. Bouriazos, G. Papadogianakis “Partial hydrogenation of methyl esters of sunflower oil catalyzed by highly active rhodium sulfonated triphenylphosphite complexes” Catal. Commun. 10 (2009) 451-455.

 3) N.C. Kokkinos, A. Lazaridou, N. Nikolaou, G. Papadogianakis, N. Psaroudakis, A.K. Chatzigakis, C.E. Papadopoulos “Hydrogenation of a hydroformylated naphtha model (mixture of specific aldehydes) catalysed by Ru/TPPTS complex in aqueous media” Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 363 (2009) 129-134.

 4) A. Bouriazos, S. Sotiriou, C. Vangelis, G. Papadogianakis “Catalytic conversions in green aqueous media: Part 4. Selective hydrogenation of polyunsaturated methyl esters of vegetable oils for upgrading biodiesel” J. Organomet. Chem. 695 (2010) 327-337.

5) C. Vangelis, A. Bouriazos, S. Sotiriou, M. Samorski, B. Gutsche, G. Papadogianakis “Catalytic conversions in green aqueous media: Highly efficient biphasic hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexane catalyzed byRh/TPPTS complexes” J. Catal. 274 (2010) 21-28.

6) A. Bouriazos, E. Ikonomakou, G. Papadogianakis “Aqueous-phase catalytic hydrogenation of methyl esters of Cynara cardunculus alternative low-cost non-edible oil: A useful concept to resolve the food, fuel and environment issue of sustainable biodiesel” Ind. Crops Prod. 52 (2014) 205-210.

7) A. Bouriazos, S. Sotiriou, P. Stathis, G. Papadogianakis “Superior aqueous-phase catalytic hydrogenation activity of palladium modified with nitrogen-containing ligands compared with the TPPTS benchmark modifier in micellar nanoreactors” Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 150-151 (2014) 345-353.

8) Ch. Vasiliou, A. Bouriazos, A. Tsichla, G. Papadogianakis “Production of hydrogenated methyl esters of palm kernel and sunflower oils by employing rhodium and ruthenium catalytic complexes of hydrolysis stable monodentate sulfonated triphenylphosphite ligands” Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 158-159 (2014) 373-381.

9) A. Bouriazos, Ch. Vasiliou, A. Tsichla, G. Papadogianakis “Catalytic conversions in green aqueous media. Part 8: Partial and full hydrogenation of renewable methyl esters of vegetable oils” Catal. Today 247 (2015) 20-32.

10) P. Stathis, D. Stavroulaki, N. Kaika, K. Krommyda, G. Papadogianakis “Low trans-isomers formation in the aqueous-phase Pt/TPPTS-catalyzed partial hydrogenation of methyl esters of linseed oil” Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 209 (2017) 579-590.

11) Ch. Moustani, E. Anagnostopoulou, K. Krommyda, Ch. Panopoulou, K.G. Koukoulakis, E.B. Bakeas, G. Papadogianakis “Novel aqueous-phase hydrogenation reaction of the key biorefinery platform chemical levulinic acid into γ-valerolactone employing highly active, selective and stable water-soluble ruthenium catalysts modified with nitrogen-containing ligands” Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 238 (2018) 82-92.

12) N. Kaika, Ch. Panopoulou, E. Anagnostopoulou, Ch. Fakas, P. Lilas, D. Stavroulaki, G. Papadogianakis “Novel full hydrogenation reaction of methyl esters of palm kernel and sunflower oils into methyl stearate catalyzed by rhodium, ruthenium and nickel complexes of bidentate hexasulfonated o-phenylendiphosphite ligands” Catal. Lett. 149 (2019) 580-590.    

13) K. Krommyda, Ch. Panopoulou, Ch. Moustani, E. Anagnostopoulou, K. Makripidi, G. Papadogianakis “A remarkable effect of aluminum on the novel and efficient aqueous-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid into γ-valerolactone using water-soluble platinum catalysts modified with nitrogen-containing ligands” Catal. Lett. 149 (2019) 1250-1265.

14) A. Seretis, P. Diamantopoulou, I. Thanou, P. Tzevelekidis, Ch. Fakas, P. Lilas, G. Papadogianakis “Recent Advances in Ruthenium-Catalyzed Hydrogenation Reactions of Renewable Biomass-Derived Levulinic Acid in Aqueous Media” Front. Chem. 8 (2020) 221, doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00221.

15) G. Papadogianakis, R.A. Sheldon, D.Yu. Murzin, Y. Wu “Research Topic: Aqueous-phase Catalytic Conversions of Renewable Feedstocks for Sustainable Biorefineries” Front. Chem. E-Book with 15 articles, (2020), pp. 1-210, ISBN 978-2-88966-447-4, doi: 10.3389/978-2-88966-447-4

16) E. Anagnostopoulou, P. Lilas, P. Diamantopoulou, Ch. Fakas, I. Krithinakis, E. Patatsi, E. Gabrielatou, A.P. van Muyden, P.J. Dyson, G. Papadogianakis, “Hydrogenation of the pivotal biorefinery platform molecule levulinic acid into renewable fuel γ-valerolactone catalyzed by unprecedented highly active and stable ruthenium nanoparticles in aqueous media” Renew. Energy 192 (2022) 35-45.

17) K.A. Chatziapostolou, K.A. Vallianatou, A. Grigoropoulos, C.P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, I.D. Kostas, P. Kyritsis, G. Pneumatikakis “Synthesis and characterization of new RhI complexes bearing CO, PPh3 and chelate P,O- or Se,Se-ligands. Application to hydroformylation of styrene”, J. Organom. Chem. 692 (2007) 4129-4138.

18) N. Levesanos, I. Stamatopoulos, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, P. Kyritsis “Structural effects of the chelating rings in trans-[Ni{Ph2P(Se)NPPh2-Se,P}2] and trans-[Ni{Ph2P(Se)NPPh2-Se,P}{Ph2P(Se)N(H)PPh2-Se,P}]Cl∙CH2Cl2∙H2O complexes” Polyhedron 28 (2009) 3305-3309.         

19) G.C. Vougioukalakis, I. Stamatopoulos, N. Petzetakis, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, A. Terzis, P. Kyritsis, M. Pitsikalis, N. Hadjichristidis “Controlled vinyl-type polymerization of norbornene with a nickel(II) diphosphinoamine/ methylaluminoxane catalytic system” J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 47 (2009) 5241-5250.

20) A.B. Tsoupras, M. Roulia, E. Ferentinos, I. Stamatopoulos, C.A. Demopoulos, P. Kyritsis, “Structurally diverse metal coordination compounds, bearing imidodiphosphinate and diphosphinoamine ligands, as potential inhibitors of the Platelet Activating Factor (PAF)” Bioinorg. Chem. Appl., (2010) Article Number: 731202.

21) I. Stamatopoulos, M. Plaček, V. Psycharis, A. Terzis, J. Svoboda, P. Kyritsis, J. Vohlídal “Structural, spectroscopic and catalytic properties of [Ni{(Ph2P)2N-S-CHMePh-P,P´}X2] complexes, X= Cl, Br, in Kumada and Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions” Inorg. Chim. Acta 387 (2012) 390-395.

22) I. Stamatopoulos, D. Giannitsios, V. Psycharis, C.P. Raptopoulou, H. Balcar, A. Zukal, J. Svoboda, P. Kyritsis, J. Vohlídal “A novel Kumada coupling catalyst, [Ni{(Ph2P)2N(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3-P,P´}Cl2], bearing a ligand for direct immobilization onto siliceous mesoporous molecular sieves” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 3038-3044.

23) J. Masud, P.-C. Ioannou, N. Levesanos, P. Kyritsis, M. Nath “A molecular Ni-complex containing tetrahedral nickel selenide core as highly efficient electrocatalyst for water oxidation” ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 3128-3132. Εξώφυλλο του τεύχους 22/2016. Cover profile: 2016, 9, 3123.

24) I. Stamatopoulos, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, P. Kyritsis “The novel [Ni{(Ph2P)2N(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3-P,P´}I2] complex: Structural features and catalytic reactivity in the oligomerization of ethylene” Open Chem. 14 (2016) 351-356.

25) I. Stamatopoulos, M. Roulia, K.A. Vallianatou, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, M. Carravetta, C. Papachristodoulou, E. Hey-Hawkins, I.D. Kostas, P. Kyritsis “Immobilization of [Pd{(Ph2P)2N(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3-kP,P´}X2] (X = Cl, Br) onto montmorillonite: Investigating their performance as homogeneous or heterogenized Suzuki-Miyaura catalysts” Chem.Select. 2 (2017) 12051-12059.

26) I.K. Stamatopoulos, M. Kapsi, M. Roulia, G.C. Vougioukalakis, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, I.D. Kostas, L. Kollár, P. Kyritsis, “Structural features and catalytic reactivity of [Pd{(Ph2P)2N(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3-kP,P´}I2] and related complexes in hydroalkoxycarbonylation and Suzuki-Miyaura C−C cross-coupling reactions” Polyhedron  151 (2018) 292-298.

27) M. Tsoukala, P.-C. Ioannou, A. Panagiotopoulou, M. Pelecanou, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, P. Kyritsis “Self-assembled tetrameric H2O clusters in the crystal lattice of [Cu(m2-OH){Ph2P(O)NP(O)Ph2-k1O,O¢}(1,10-phen-k2N,N¢)]2∙2H2O”, J. Coord. Chem. 71 (2018) 4047-4057.

28) P.-C. Ioannou, C. Arbez-Gindre, M. Zoumpanioti, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, I.D. Kostas, P. Kyritsis “Catalytic reactivity of the complexes [Pd{(Ph2P)2N(tBu)-P,P´}X2], X = Cl, Br, I, in the Suzuki-Miyaura: Probing effects of the halogeno ligand X- and the ligand’s tBu group”, J. Organom. Chem. 879 (2019) 40-46.

29) I.M. Abdullahi, J. Masud, P.-C. Ioannou, E. Ferentinos, P. Kyritsis, M. Nath “A molecular tetrahedral cobalt–seleno-based complex as an efficient electrocatalyst for water splitting”, Molecules 26 (2021) 945.

30) K. Nano, G. Zahariou, P.-C. Ioannou, M.M. Alam, D.A. Pantazis, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, Y. Sanakis, P. Kyritsis “Electronic properties of the S = 5/2 Mn(II) complexes [Mn{PhC(O)NP(O)PPh2}(N,N)(NO3)], (N,N) = phenanthroline, neocuproine, 2,2¢-bipyridine”, Polyhedron 207 (2021)115374.

31) P.-C. Ioannou, A. Grigoropoulos, K. Stergiou, C.P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis,* J. Svoboda, P. Kyritsis, J. Vohlídal “Structural and catalytic properties of the [Ni(BIPHEP)X2] complexes, BIPHEP = 2,2-diphenylphosphino-1,1-biphenyl; X = Cl, Br”, Inorg. Chim. Acta 522 (2021) 120300.

32) P.-C. Ioannou, R. Coufal, K. Kakridi, C.P. Raptopoulou, O. Trhlíková, V. Psycharis, J. Zedník, P. Kyritsis, J. Vohlídal Effects of the halogenido ligands on the Kumada-coupling catalytic activity of [Ni{tBuN(PPh2)2-2P}X2], X = Cl, Br, I”, RSC Adv. 12 (2022) 2227-2236.

33) I.D. Kostas, G. Antonopoulou, P.-C. Ioannou, E. Ferentinos, P. Kyritsis “A synthetic methodology for the preparation of a water-soluble quaternized amino phosphine oxide ligand” Results Chem. 4 (2022) 100525.

34) A. Zarkadoulas, E. Koutsouri, C. Kefalidi, C.A. Mitsopoulou “Rhenium complexes in homogeneous hydrogen evolution” Coord. Chem. Rev. 304 (2015) 55-72.

35) C. Kefalidi, E. Koutsouri, L. Marchiò, A. Zarkadoulas, S. Efstathiadou, C.A. Mitsopoulou “Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of rhenium(I) tricarbonyldiimine complexes coupled with their efficiency in producing hydrogen in a photocatalytic system” Polyhedron 110 (2016) 157-164.

36) E. Koutsouri, A. Zarkadoulas, C. Kefalidi, C. Papatriantafyllopoulou, C. Mitsopoulou “Establishing Structure – Activity Relationships in Photocatalytic Systems using Nickel bis–Dithiolene Complexes as Proton Reduction Catalysts" Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 46 (2019) 4908-4919

37) N.C Kokkinos, E. Kazou, A. Lazaridou, Ch.E Papadopoulos, N. Psaroudakis, K. Mertis, N. Nikolaou “A potential refinery process of light–light naphtha olefins conversion to valuable oxygenated products in aqueous media–Part 1: Biphasic hydroformylation” Fuel 104 (2013) 275-283.

38) G. Floros, F. Agrafioti, A. Grigoropoulos, P. Paraskevopoulou, K. Mertis, M. Tseklima, M. Veli, M. Pitsikalis Statistical copolymers of norbornene and 5-vinyl-2-norbornene by a ditungsten complex mediated ringopening metathesis polymerization: synthesis, thermal properties, and kinetics of thermal decomposition” J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 51 (2013) 4835-4844.

39) G. Raptopoulos, K. Kyriakou, G. Mali, A. Scarpellini, G.C. Anyfantis, T. Mavromoustakos, M. Pitsikalis, P. Paraskevopoulou, “Copolymerization of norbornene and norbornadiene using a cis-selective bimetallic W-based catalytic system” Polymers 9 (2017) 141. Invited paper. Special Issue: Metal Complexes-Mediated Catalysis in Polymerization. Highlighted by the Editor as one of the best contributions in the area of Polymer Synthesis in the journal Polymers in 2017/2018.




        ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ ΑΠΗΧΗΣΗΣ          (Clarivate Analytics, 2023)

Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 22.1
 Coord. Chem. Rev. 20.6
Renew. Energy 8.7
ChemSusChem 8.4
Fuel 7.4
J. Catal. 7.3
Ind. Crops Prod. 5.9
Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 5.5
Front. Chem.  5.5
Catal. Today 5.3
Polymers 5.0
Molecules 4.6
RSC Adv. 3.9
Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. 3.8
Catal. Commun. 3.7
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2.8
Catal. Lett. 2.8
Polyhedron 2.6
J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2.591
Εur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2.3
J. Organomet. Chem. 2.3
Open Chem. 2.3
Chem. Select. 2.1
J. Coord. Chem. 1.9